Selasa, 04 November 2014

Lelit PL41TQE Anna Espresso Machine - PID (B105)

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The Le'lit has stepped forward as one of the best contenders for home. It's an extrememly capable espresso machine with a PID preinstalled, under the $600 mark! You simply can't find this anywhere else!


  • Less than 15 (some customers report less than 10!) minute warm-up time. Faster than the Silvia!
  • More constant and powerful steam than a Gaggia Classic!
  • Directly connected group and boiler (known as a saturated group) providing beter temperature stability than other home models (Silvia).
  • Now features a PID unit! The PID is the newest innovation from Le'lit- it allows the user to change the temperature of the coffee boiler to allow the water temp most closely perform a superior and more consistent espresso extraction.
  • Fast transition to steam mode- With its optimally-sized brass boiler, it has less wait time to get to steam mode when compared to larger brass boiler machines, and the steaming performance is quite powerful for this little baby.

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